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And Goliath

ABOUT UDT DAVE: A graduate of BUD/S class115 and member of Underwater Demolition Team 21 and SEAL Team 4 went on to conduct Navy special warfare deployments in Central and South America, Europe the middle east and Africa. Later he served the federal government as a Special Agent for 28 years, retiring as a Senior Executive.

His latest venture is a new book about perseverance, overcoming obstacles, and becoming a Navy SEAL by former Navy SEAL David "Brownie" Brown and NY Times Bestselling author Bob Gettlin.

ABOUT THE BOOK: And Goliath is a true, exciting, and highly unusual story of self-reflection by the author, former Underwater Demolition and SEAL team member David Brown, who defies nearly impossible odds and overcomes physical and social barriers in his quest to become an elite US Navy warrior and Special Agent. This fast-paced motivational memoir, infused with expert perspectives on behavioral genetics, chronicles the dramatic coming-of-age tale of a boy from Pennsylvania coal country who is pegged as “too little” to realize his dreams but who discovers his key genetic and psychological strengths and weaknesses and harnesses his potential. Learning from painful failures and joyful victories of childhood and youth, “Brownie” develops winning traits that put him ahead of physically larger and stronger men who quit, enabling him to succeed at arguably the most difficult military training in the world and ultimately to share his lessons with anyone searching to tap their own potential for success.

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